Eridis is my main OC world. It has many stories, most of which are connected to each other in one way or another.

Earnar is my second most worked on world, consisting of one story about a man with major mental health problems and the "monster" he plans to let eat him.
(More characters to be added in the future)

Eszor is the newest and least worked on world, consisting of one story. It's about a college student who struggles with lives a triple life fueled by coffee and energy drinks, and the man who saves their life. Literally.
(More characters to be added in the future)


Ace is a 20 year old who hasn't decided if they're going to college yet. They spend most of their time reading books on magic or caring for their plants.
They grew up in a loving home with wonderful parents, thus never really had any familial issues. They were constantly curious about everything, and their parents never really stopped them from investigating things. Taking apart toys to see how they worked, throwing together ingredients in the kitchen to see what tastes good together, going out to find bugs, rocks, etc. that Ace had heard about and wanted to see in person, stuff like that.
This endless curiosity led to a life of making not too smart decisions. Testing magic spells the found in books was common for them. So one day, when they found a book on summoning demons... well, shit, they had to try it.
Now, Ace works on finding more books on magic, though hard to come across, and caring for their collection of plants.
They have a plant named after each of their friends that they care for endlessly and when a 'friend plant' isn't doing well, Ace will check up on said friend.

Art of Ace


Ako is a 20 year old who doesn't really know what he's doing with his life. He still lives at home with his mother and step-father.
Ako met Sebastian at a young age and they quickly became friends, then family, once his mother married Sebastian's uncle.
Sebastian was Ako's entire world (platonically) until bullying towards Sebastian got worses in their school. Sebastian grew distant from Ako, and eventually practically never talked to him.
Now, Ako spends most days wondering what would've been of their friendship had he been more pushy and checked in on Sebastian more. Ako holds some negative feelings towards Sebastian's current found family, and towards himself for letting Sebastian 'get away'.

Art of Ako


Alecs is a 19 year old freshman in college. He spends most of his time outside skateboarding or at home with his roommate Joseph.He was born into a well off family, but due to his parents working constantly, he was often neglected emotionally. After seeing Kai in the middle of a fight with some other older students, Alecs started getting into fights to catch his parent's attention, but it never worked how he hoped it would.
Now, in college, he has stopped getting into random fights, having given up on his getting his parents attention or affection.
He lives with Joseph, having basically moved all his stuff to Joseph's apartment over the span of a year, without the two really discussing living together. It started with Alecs coming over to Joseph's to make sure Joseph was taking care of himself, then continued as he spent more and more time there.

Art of Alecs


Ash is one of four ageless deities who had existed before the world itself. Along with their companions, they watched the world come to be, watched as it was populated, and now they walk it posing as mortals. Kind of. Ash tends to take on a look less mortal and more... semi-immortal... but no one questions it.
Ash is a bit more childish than the other deities, which one might attribute to them being the fourth, but, in reality, they used to be much more mature.
They previously took on a more feminine form, trying to balance the deity group's physical forms, having two men and two women. However, it made them uncomfortable and unhappy.
When Eleanor, the first deity, died, her last message to Ash was for them to be themself instead of what they were forcing themself to be.

Art of Ash


Bea is a 23 year old sex worker. When not working, she's often hanging out with her friends, caring for local stray cats, or spending time with her siblings.Bea is the oldest of 6 siblings. Growing up, she was often the caretaker for her siblings, as her parents 'worked hard' to have enough money to raise their 6 children and give them 'good lives'. Bea lived with her parents until she was 20, where she had made enough working various jobs to move out.
She holds a strong resentment towards her parents for continuing to have children they couldn't support emotionally and leaving everything to her and the other older siblings. She tends to visit her siblings during the day when her parents are working because of her feelings towards them.

Art of Bea


Bell is a 22 year old who co-owns a tailor shop/clothing store with his friend Nick. He is often found at the store working on clothes, designing clothes, or hanging out with Mae.Bell was raised in a very loving household. As soon as he was able to pick his own clothes, he would go for traditionally feminine stuff. This caused a lot of confusion and a lot of bullying and mocking from his peers. For the longest time, the only person who didn't bother him was his childhood friend Kai, who eventually moved away. Getting bullied all through school was hard for him, but when he met Mae it didn't matter to him anymore. She never bullied him. She even asked him for fashion advice most of the time. He fell for her hard and has been in love with her since.
Despite his feelings for Mae, he happily supports her relationship with Kai and hangs out with them regularly.

Art of Bell


Bianca is a 20 year old 'witch' who sells potions. She's often found at her home making potions or hanging out with her partner Luca and friends Simon and MelodyBianca was an only child until she was around 10 years old, when her single mother came home with a 15 year old named Ceres. Ceres and Bianca, despite their 5 year age difference, immediately got along and bonded as sisters. However, at age 22, Ceres ended up running away from home.
For a year, Bianca lived with Simon, until an being from another planet, who Bianca named Luca, showed up at their house. Luca and Bianca quickly developed feelings for each other while getting to know each other, and all was going smoothly until another alien showed up looking for Luca to bring them back home. Said alien quickly fell in love with Earth and ended up staying with the little stitched together family, earning the name Melody. Now, Bianca happily lives with her little family, selling her potions, and working towards locating Ceres.

Art of Bianca


Callion is a technically 24 year old vampire, stuck eternally at age 19. He is currently the number 1 idol in the world and leader of the top idol group; Spectrum. He spends his days working on songs and such normally, but on off days he hangs out with his boyfriend Sebastian and his friends.Cal grew up with his mom and little sister, his mom working a lot to afford to raise both children. Originally, until he was around 3 years old, they lived with both his parents. His father was a deadbeat who never truly cared for or about his children, so his mother filed for divorce and took the children.
Cal, now a thriving idol, uses his money and influence to run a home for victims of all kinds of abuse. He rarely has time to spend there anymore, but he still does his best.

Art of Callion


Card, real name Shane, at 24, is the oldest of the idol group LoudLY. He plays the role of babysitter, normally making sure King doesn't do anything too stupid.
Out of everyone in LoudLY, Card spends the most time practicing dances and singing, as he started later than the rest. They've all been friends since kindergarten, but Card didn't think singing and dancing were for him when the rest of the group first started. Despite this, he'd still watch and support the other four when they'd practice and perform.
Card only joined his friends when his boyfriend at the time told him he looked like he felt envious of his friends when watching them practice. He tried to deny it at the time, but he knew better. Since then, he's been happily singing and dancing alongside his friends.
Sometimes he wishes he could see his ex again and thank him for the encouragement.

Art of Card


Catrine is Bea's younger sister, and the second oldest of the siblings. She is 21 years old.
Being the second oldest, Catrine got away with going out, partying, etc. while Bea was at home caring for the younger siblings and acting out the parent role. Catrine did help Bea at times, but more often than not she wasn't home.
To this day, she still doesn't help out much with the younger siblings, opting to spend more time away from rather than at home. She doesn't really get along with Matthew or Bea because of this.

Art of Catrine


Ceres is a 25 year old witch(?) who makes and sells potions. She spends most of her time making said potions and gathering ingredients for them.Ceres has no memories from before she was 15. It's like she suddenly appeared from nowhere outside this weird house only knowing her name was Ceres and that she was 15 years old. She was taken in by a 'witch' named Eleanor, who taught her how to make potions and introduced her to a young girl named Bianca. Ceres and Bianca quickly bonded as sisters.
At age 22 Ceres ended up running away from home. She's since been living on her own, assuming she will never be forgiven for her 'mistake'.

Art of Ceres


Charles was one of the first of the vampire species and became the first vampire leader because of this.
Until age 42 he lived as a human, often lovingly doting on his wife and kids or hanging out with his buddy Henry.
During a night of spending time with Henry, the two blacked out and woke up, inexplicably in their homes, with a strange craving. Charles, in order to avoid the urges telling him to harm his family, left them without even a word of goodbye, only to return a year or so later as a leader of a new species. By then, his wife and children had thought of him as nothing but a traitor and a monster.
Caused by Charles sudden change in species, and the only special thing about his appearance being his eye color, it became a family legend that any child born with eyes similar to his would turn against their family and become a monster. This legend still carries down the family even after Charles' murder over 100 years later.

Art of Charles


Clyde is an angel who once lived a very painful life as a human. Abusive parents ruled and controlled every moment he lived. As a young adult, he ended up killing his parents, then himself. The God of Creation decided he would get a second chance- to see not all people are monsters- as an angel, and he accepted.
Clyde lives as though he were, well, living. He joined an idol group, hangs out with those in the realm of the living, and generally avoids living as an angel.
However... he seems a little off.

Art of Clyde


Eekeem is a trans 19 year old college student who lives with her three older sisters. When not with her sisters, she spends her time with her boyfriend, Skyler.
Raised by an adoptive single mother with her 3 sisters, Eekeem was always an awkward child. She was often bullied because of this, and avoided getting close to anyone who wasn't her sisters. Upon meeting the person who didn't mock her or make unnecessary comments, she fell in love quickly. The two have been together since.

Art of Eekeem


Eleanor was one of four ageless deities who existed before the world itself. Along with her companions, she watched the world come to be, watched as it was populated, and walked it posing as a mortal.
Eleanor was one who wanted nothing more than to love mortals and bring them happiness, using her infinite power to heal wounds and illness, posing as a witch who worked with healing magic.
She somehow had her own offspring, a young 'witch' named Bianca, who possesses a much lesser amount of power. She also had adopted a lost amnesiac named Ceres, and turned a shark mostly human, giving him the name Simon, to be her assistant, and communicate with aquatic life for her.
Not too long ago, her life was taken by an angelic weapon, and now the other three deities and Eleanor's family are trying to piece themselves back together without her.

Art of Eleanor


Elijah, commonly called Eli, is a 21 year old dog boy. He is an idol in the group Spectrum. He spends most of his free time with his roommate, Clyde, or volunteering at animal shelters.Eli was put up for adoption not long after being born and was in and out of various foster homes for most of his childhood, often considered to be 'too hyper to handle'. By the time he was 18, he had gotten so used to not having a home that he didn't stay in one place for long. Until he auditioned for Spectrum, he didn't have anything really going for him in life. Now, he is loved by many for his hyperactive personality and has never been more happy with himself or his life.
Sometimes, though, he does miss his old best friend from the orphanage.

Art of Elijah

Feren Lucille

Feren Lucille, normally referred to as just Feren, is a 21 year old bighorn sheep person and the twin of Lilith. They also work as Lilith's assistant, but they do all their work from home via their computer(s), rarely showing up to things in person.
From when they were little, Lilith and Feren knew they would take on the role of leader and assistant, but due to trauma from being bullied in school and general anxiety, Feren struggles with being in front of large amounts of people. Despite this, they are excellent at their job and no one has questioned their position yet.

Art of Feren


Gabriel is one of four ageless deities who existed before the world itself. Along with his companions, he watched the the world come to be, watched as it was populated, and walks it posing as a mortal.
Gabriel is technically the most mature of the group, always keeping the other three in check and making sure they're all safe, getting himself dubbed the role of group dad. Though he is also regularly (lovingly) made fun of by Ash and Marshall for somehow getting addicted to caffeine.
He sometimes wishes he had chosen to be more like Ash, but doesn't know what he'd do if others weren't relying on him.
Eleanor's death hit Gabriel the hardest out of the remaining deities, as he often considered her to be his other half. The two never had a known romantic relationship, but their closeness as friends was more than one could explain. He loved her deeply with his whole being, and she felt the same about him.

Art of Gabriel


Harpur is a 28 year old who runs a plant shop called Paw Pad Plants during the day. He has irregular hours, and most of his money is made from regulars who come in to buy flowers for loved ones, get new house plants, or ask about plant care/advice. He keeps his customers aware of his business hours via social media posts and an email list.A few people have asked to work at Paw Pad Plants, but he always turns down the help saying he can't afford employees yet. In reality, it's because he doesn't want people trying to stay late or on off days then end up seeing Smith come around.

appearance based on my FFXIV character H'rpur Tia

Art of Harpur


Henry is a 254 year old vampire, and is technically eternally 34. He is the assistant of Reagan, the leader of vampires, and spends most of his down time reading books.Henry doesn't remember much of his childhood, as it was so long ago. He does remember that he was always one to follow rules, always professional and proper. Never second guessed the leader. He followed the first leader of the vampires, and always helped keep vampire kind in check. Now that he works with Reagan, the current leader of the vampires, he is a little different. He occasionally breaks rules, he is often talking back to Reagan despite Reagan's superiority over him, and often finds himself trying new things. And even though Reagan drives him insane, you'll never hear him complain.

Art of Henry


A lover of sports and his boyfriend. Hudson is 28, and largely into sports. If they'll let him play it, he'll play it. He has yet to commit to one that takes all his time, similar to his cousin, Max.
He lives with his boyfriend, Landyn, who was disowned by his own family after being outed as bisexual and dating a man. Hudson, happily bringing Landyn into his own family, created a safe space and support system for his boyfriend.
He also created a safe space in his own home for his cousin, Max, who had a major fight with his parents and left them for a couple months.
Overall, Hudson is known for being a "gentle giant" and being one of the most loving people you'll ever meet.

Art of Hudson


frankly? he has like no story so far.

Art of Isaac


Isella is a demon who is approximately 21 years old. She can often be found pestering Petaleaf.Isella is a demon who lives in the human realm, because she just prefers it there. She's usually off trying, and failing, to flirt with Petaleaf, the goddess she's in love with.i don't have much lore for her yet, sorry.

Art of Isella


Jaelle is the second youngest of her sisters, and easily the most mature of the group. She works at a makeup store, and when not working is often found at home baking sweets for her sisters.
Jaelle has the most expectations on her out of all the sisters, being considered the smartest. She's currently going to school with no real goal in mind, but will likely end up in a field that will earn her plenty of money.

Art of Jaelle


Jasper is a troublesome boy. He's current 15 years old, is the youngest boy of his siblings, and is overall an emotional mess.
When his oldest sister, Bea, moved out of their parents house he threw an absolute fit as she was his favorite person, and to this day his other siblings have to stop him from attempting to 'run away from home' to live with Bea. He also adores Matthew, however, he is not as close to his oldest brother as he is his oldest sister.
When he's not causing problems for his family, he's likely playing video games in his room.

Art of Jasper


Joseph is an 19 year old transmasc cashier at a local convenience store. He spends his free time playing video games, sleeping, or spending time with his roommate Alecs.Joseph was 'raised' by abusive parents who resented ever giving birth, especially to a child as 'horrible' and 'ugly' as him. They often both verbally and physically abused him. He lived a very isolated life until he was dragged to a family gathering. His high class family often had gatherings, where he was forced to stay off to the side so he didn't 'hurt' anyone. After a boy, one of Joseph's cousins, approached him and was chased away, the cousin's mother noticed something was wrong and saved him from his parents. He was taken to a home for abuse victims, his parents having been arrested. Since then, he has met a large group of friends, a smaller group of close friends, and is very happy to be his gremlin self.

Art of Joseph


Juice, real name Sam, is the leader of the idol group LoudLY and was the one to suggest the group start doing street perfornmances after they began taking singing and dancing lessons together.
Considered a bit of an airhead, people sometimes don't take Juice extremely seriously, but he is actually extremely smart and aware of everything around him. He puts on an act publicly for reasons even the rest of LoudLY don't understand.
He has a boyfriend, Riley, who often gets mistaken for a fan or a younger relative of one of the members of LoudLY. Juice finds this extremely funny, as Riley is 25, making them older than everyone in LoudLY.

Art of Juice


Kai is a 23 year old who works at a café as a barista. He spends most of his down time doing household chores or working on new coffee based drink flavors.Kai was a delinquent of a child growing up, trying to rebel after some unfortunate circumstances in his childhood led to his parents being extra strict about being careful with yourself and others. He frequently got into fights and argued with teachers. When he was in high school, he met a girl named Mae and he fell in love. She hated violence of all kinds, but still became friends with him, and eventually became his girlfriend. For her sake, so she could stop worrying about him, he (mostly) stopped getting into fights. He still fights with Alecs from time to time, but it's more like sparring.

Art of Kai


Key, the youngest of the idol group LoudLY, is one of the two who run the social media accounts, along with Lock. However, no one other than the members of LoudLY know Lock helps with it.
Key is also the younger brother of Wendie, the manager of LoudLY's rival Spectrum. LoudLY could have been signed with the same company as Spectrum, but, as Wendie worked there, Key was worried they would get signed on just because he's related to her.
Although LoudLY consists of five childhood friends, Key has always felt closest to Lock.

Art of Key


King is the goofball of the idol group LoudLY. He is known for making people laugh and making days brighter with his personality and antics. He also does live streams where he plays pranks on the other members on a personal account.
Sometimes Card has to stop him from making simple mistakes like showing out the windows of their dorm and revealing where they live.

Art of King


Kwie, 24, is considered a bit of an oddball. As a model, she spends a lot of time doing her job, but during her free time she's usually looking for the perfect man (by her standards). She wholeheartedly believes in soul mates, but feels she hasn't met hers yet. And still, somehow, fate keeps leading her back to a fellow model and her least favorite person.

Art of Kwie


Landyn, a 27 year old artist, was disowned and kicked out by his parents at 19 upon being outed as bisexual and dating a man. Immediately, he was taken in by the family of his boyfriend Hudson, who he now lives with.
Despite being an adult when kicked out, he had been given no proper expectations or experiences for being a proper adult, so it was an overall scary situation for him. He is now happily selling his art online, making a fair living off something his parents often said would get him nowhere.

Art of Landyn


Leo is a 17 year old in high school. He doesn't have many friends in person, due to his mean appearance and awkwardness that comes off as a disinterest.
Despite looking like a mean person, is actually a huge nerd, with a whole friend group on the internet. He also runs a popular fanblog for various idol groups, primarily focusing on Spectrum. (His favorite member of Spectrum is Callion and he goes to every Spectrum concert he can just to cheer for his bias)
He's somewhat known by some idols, which he himself isn't aware of, for being outspoken about his opinions on how important it is for celebrities, especially idols, to have personal lives and be able to do things without having a camera pointing at them 24/7. He's also largely hated by a number of other fans for being so insistent upon this, which he usually just brushes off.

Art of Leo


Lilith is a 21 year old bighorn sheep who is the current leader of the animal people. She was recently given the role by the previous leader, who had gotten too old to lead. She was raised by the previous leader as their adopted child and was raised to be the next leader, acting as an apprentice.
She sometimes struggles with people not taking her seriously due to her age and some minor mistakes, but she is respected and loved by most.

Art of Lilith


Lock, real name Leon, is sometimes considered the 'bad boy' of LoudLY based on appearance, but those who have met him will argue otherwise. He is very sweet to everyone and loves making people happy.
He runs the LoudLY social media accounts with Key but no one other than LoudLY knows this. Lock often posts posts memes, positive messages, and replies to fan's posts, but everyone assumes it's Key doing it all and Lock is fine with that.

Art of Lock


Luca is an being from another planet, who is about 22 in human years. They spend most of their time assisting their partner Bianca with making potions or getting ingredients for said potions.Created on another planet, Luca lived their life being considered "defective" by the rest of their species. When they were assigned to go to this planet to see how hostile the population is, they were ecstatic, even though they knew the plan was just to get rid of them. Finally, something to do!
Upon arriving on the new planet, they explored, finding that the population was very welcoming of them, and soon found themselves in a small village. They were led to the local 'witch' by a man named Simon, the witch's assistant. Upon meeting the witch, they were welcomed into her home, where they were given the name Luca, and soon fell in love with the witch named Bianca.

Art of Luca


Lucian, lovingly referred to as Luci, or by his demon name Enos, is the ruler of the demon realm. He is a 19 year old college freshman who spends most of his time drawing or cooking for his boyfriend Max.Luci was born a human with the strange ability to read minds. Because of this, he became an outcast, trying his best to avoid the people around him to avoid the migraines hearing their thoughts caused. He only made one friend growing up. A boy named Max who always spoke his mind. Max and Luci spent a lot of time together as children, going on adventures in nearby wooded areas, hanging out in their houses, wherever they went, Luci was happy. Eventually Max and Luci developed feelings for each other, and have been together for a bit now.
When Luci was 17, his demon form emerged, and through an odd demon arriving at his house, it was discovered that Luci was a high ranking demon. He now has even more powers that before, and, despite his role, still mostly lives his life as a college student.

Art of Lucian - Human Form

Art of Lucian - Demon Form (aka Enos)


Lynn is a 21 year old who often spends her days working out and keeping fit. (Gotta keep those core muscles strong!)
She's a tough bitch with a soft spot for women.
Lynn works as Orri's assistant, often recording, helping him set up for his videos, and sometimes even doing exercises with him on camera. When she's not working with Orri or at the gym, she's usually hanging out with her cousin Nick and his friends.

Art of Lynn


Mae is a 22 year old barista. She spends most of her time doing household chores or making new coffee flavors with her boyfriend Kai. If not with Kai, she's usually with her best friend Bell.Mae grew up with her mom and older brother, her mom working a lot to afford to raise both children. Until she was around 1 year old, they lived with both her parents. Her father was a deadbeat who never truly cared for or about his children, so her mother filed for divorce and took the children.
When she was in high school she met Bell and Kai, soon falling in love with Kai, who she is now dating.

Art of Mae


Vincent is an OC I am currently giving a MAJOR overhaul and update to.
I'll share more when I have it!

Art of Vincent

Bride of Bone

On full moon nights in summer, if you wander too far into the open field, you might find The Bride of Bone. Dancing in the falling snow with death itself, you are enticed to come closer until you vanish in the snow.


In reality, this legend known by almost everyone in the surrounding area is nothing more than that. A legend, which was started by an 8 year old.
Marshall, also known as the main butler at the Williams family home, and as The Bride of Bone, is a bit eccentric. Upon showing off some of his powers to the only son of the Williams family, he unintentionally started a rumor in the boy's elementary school. As the rumor spread among the children trying to scare each other and the boy told him things spiraled, he decided to help the young master.
Taking up going into the field with a fake skeleton he had painted to look real, he would dance a waltz under the summer's full moons. A dance of death, as they called it.
Of course, no one has truly died from his snow, but sometimes rumors get out of hand.

What most don't know is that Marshall is also one of the beings known as deities. They are beings with infinite power who, in the past, were known by a small area of the mortal realm.
The four deities were worshipped, accepting offerings of food and treasure from the mortals. In return, they helped the mortals live long, healthy lives. Until one day when all four deities vanished from their worshipers, leading to most of them dying out, or living the rest of their life resenting the deities for leaving. No mortal really knew why they left, they just knew they had been 'betrayed'.
Many, many years later, the deities have returned to the mortal realm stronger than ever, yet a lot more secretive, their true power unknown to all.
Marshall, the second deity, posing as a butler for the Williams family, is trying his best to live a calm life while still having fun with his power, occasionally using it from the shadows to cheer up others or help those on deaths door.

Art of Bride of Bone


Loving husband and father turned monster of a man. No one really knows what happened to cause Marcus to turn into what he is now. Some assume it was caused by the passing of his wife, some say he himself caused the passing of his wife. Many suspect the answers lie within his only child, but no one has seen said child in years.

Art of Marcus


Matthew, nicknamed Mew, is the oldest male of his siblings at 18. He often plays a parental role, especially with Millie.
Matthew dreams of moving out an living his own life away from his siblings at times, but in reality he wouldn't trade them for anything.
He sometimes misses his oldest sister, Bea being at home and caring for their siblings with him, but he can manage it on his own.
When he's not with his siblings, he's hanging out with his friend group, of which has been named 'Feral Kids'.
Matthew is not particularly fond of his older sister, Catrine, but has never told anyone why.

Art of Matthew


Max is a 20 year old college freshman. He's often found hanging out with his boyfriend Lucian.Max was born under unfortunate circumstances, but still loved deeply by his parents, who have never regretted having him. He's a very outgoing person and makes friends easily, but he's very bad about keeping up friendships, as he gets tired of socializing easily. He often spends time cooling down with Luci in silence when he gets overwhelmed.

Art of Max


Melody is a being from another planet who is around 19 in human years. She likes to spend her time watching the ocean or gathering ingredients for Bianca.Created on another planet, Melody was considered useless by others due to her clumsy nature and inability to pay attention most times. She was sent to this planet after the first of her kind there never returned. Upon finding Luca, Melody discovered that the new planet was much nicer to her than the others of her species were, and decided to stay, being given the name Melody by Bianca for her love of music.

Art of Melody


Veronica is currently being HEAVILY updated both story and design wise! More info in the future!

Art of Veronica


Michael Gutierrez, also known as Machine Gun or MG, is trained in hand to hand combat and self defense, and teaches others. His lessons are only advertised by word of mouth, he does not advertise them himself.MG is the oldest of eight siblings, and he (kind of) lives with them, two of his cousins, his dad, and his uncle. Kind of. His uncle and cousins actually have a separate house, but they're almost never at their own place.

Art of Michael


Millie is the youngest of her siblings. She's currently 8 years old, and she loves learning new things. She adores her older siblings, especially Matthew and Jasper.
She was an accident, and her parents never really acknowledged her once she was no longer an infant, as they didn't particularly want her. They saw her as an inconvenience more than anything else, basically just passing off responsibility onto their older children.
Their parents lack of caring for her has resulted in her siblings giving her extra affection and attention to make sure she knew she was loved and wanted.

Art of Millie


Born into a village of demons who left the demon realm, Nathaniel was viewed as weird by the rest of the village. His horns grew slowly, not growing as large as the others, his magic was almost nonexistent, and his mother was a little too protective. Because of these things, when Nathaniel was 18 and didn't have any major growth, the rest of the demons of the village realized Nathaniel was likely half human. For being something against the village rules, and his mom's betrayal of her people, the two were to be punished.
Nathaniel, however, with his mother's help, ran away the day before. Upon noticing Nathaniel's absence, the village decided it was in their best interest to let him run off into the unknown world outside, assuming he'd end up worse off.
Despite the assumption, Nathaniel managed to find himself in the care of another demon, one who resided in both the mortal and demon realms, named Sasha.

Art of Nathaniel


Nick is a 22 year old who co-owns a tailor shop/clothing store with his friend Bell. He's usually found in the shop after hours with Bell making clothes or putting together outfits for the mannequins.Nick was born in a household where excellence was the bare minimum for acceptance. He was expected to be excellent at sports, have amazing grades, and become a lawyer or a doctor, something that made a lot of money. But being horrible with both academics and sports, not to mention no intention of getting a job his parents expected of him, he was considered a lost cause. His parents hated that he wanted to make clothing. They always told him he would never make it. However, he kept at it, and eventually met Bell, who helped him set up their own shop.

Art of Nick


Nicole is the lead singer of a rock band. Her fame started at 18 when when the covers of her favorite songs she posted online finally started getting noticed. When she branched out into making her own songs and pouring her heart into them, it was an instant hit with her fans and many others. By 19, she was known practically world wide for her songs, and now, at 20, with her own band, she tours the world.
She greatly admires her brother Sebastian's boyfriend Callion, often discussing writing songs and singing with him when they get a chance to meet at the William's family home.
As the adopted and only daughter of the Williams family, she was brought into their home as a preteen, and quickly connected with Hera and Damien Williams, but not as much with their son Sebastian. The two did not fight, nor did they argue, it was more like they just coexisted. However, when Sebastian stopped going to school because of horrible bullying, she came into his room to talk to him. The two trauma bonded over being treated poorly by kids their age and became very close from then on.
Now, with Nicole being on tour and working almost constantly, and Sebastian staying near their parents, they still regularly keep in contact.

Art of Nicole


Nuana is a mermaid who technically has no human age. If she did, she'd be around 20. She spends most of her time swimming around (obviously), and making jewelry out of various things she can find within the water. She also greatly enjoys spending time with Simon when he visits.
She's uncertain of what it is she feels for the shark man, but it sure is strong.

Art of Nuana


Orri, a 22 year old fitness youtuber, is super serious about staying healthy and strong, but does enjoy goofing off and eating unhealthy stuff at times.Orri doesn't have much backstory yet.

Art of Orri


Petaleaf, a goddess of plant growth, is 21 years old. She often entertains herself by sitting on tree branches and watching plants sway in the breeze. That is, when she's not trying to avoid Isella.Petaleaf has a 'mindset' of "demons are bad", though funny as her own brother is dating a demon and she has no issues with that.
In reality, her 'mindset' comes from a fear of the fact that she is, in fact, also falling for a demon.

Art of Petaleaf


A man full of regrets over his decisions in life. However, his biggest regret is agreeing to work with Marcus. Despite Marcus being his best friend and the man he loved for a long time, Phillip finds himself feeling numb towards Marcus most of the time.
Having had a front row seat to watch Marcus go from the most compassionate man he'd ever met to the most monstrous being, you'd think Phillip at least had an idea of what went wrong. However, even he has no idea.

Art of Phillip


Reagan is a 125 year old vampire who is eternally 25. He is the current leader of the vampires, being given the role after his mentor, the previous/first leader, was murdered. Reagan is a very rambunctious vampire who often spends time annoying his assistant Henry, or going to parties flirting with anyone who seems available.Reagan was turned into a vampire after being attacked. He doesn't really remember it, due to how long ago it was, nor does he remember most of his childhood.
Currently, he just likes following whatever is trending, making sure vampire kind stays in line, and that they are getting along with other species.

Art of Reagan


Riley is a transmasc 25 year old who never grew out of their teen emo phase. He's a computer technician/repair guy for a small local shop.
He is also the boyfriend of Sam (aka Juice), though this is not known to the public. They've been seen together in public, but people will often speculate that Riley is Sam's younger relative, due to Riley being a smaller guy.

Art of Riley


Romael is a demon who is around 21 years old. He is an idol in the group Spectrum and spends his off time with his boyfriend Solaris.Romael is known for sexuality on stage, He often wears revealing clothing during performances and in music videos.
However, off stage, Romael is easily anything but overly sexual and he's very easily embarrassed. Even during dance practices and back stage of concerts he often has to take breaks to compose himself, as he gets too embarrassed to continue. He doesn't mind his role though, as it seems he pulls it off better than the others.

Art of Romael


Sasha is the only guard for the throne room of the demon realm. They spend quite a bit of their time with their boyfriend, Nathaniel, in the mortal realm. When in the demon realm, they're usually keeping guard of Lucian, who they are quite fond and greatly respect how he takes care of the realm.They have two forms, something not many demons have. They take on their softer, more feminine male form normally, as they feel best in it.

Art of Sasha


Sebastian, lovingly referred to as Seb or Sebby, is a 22 year old trans man who is currently working on his mental health before fully throwing himself into the adult world. He spends most of his time playing video games, helping out at Cal's home for abuse victims, or hanging out with his friends.Born to the leaders of basic humans, Sebastian knew he was trans as soon as he tiniest idea of what gender is. He grew up wearing boys clothes with boys haircuts, despite his biological sex. It made him happy. However, many of his peers bullied him for it. He was bullied out school at one point, and, despite transferring, ended up closing himself in his room most of the time because of the previous bullying. He had very few friends, his friendship with his best friend, Ako, was dwindling, and his parents couldn't figure out what to do.
When his adopted sister, Nicole approached him and just sat near him until he told her what was going on, something clicked with the two. They ended up trauma bonding and becoming very close and have been close since. Because of the bonding, Sebastian slowly opened up and trying school again, where he ended up thriving in the new school.

Art of Sebastian


Simon is a man who was originally a shark, and was turned human by a 'witch' who wished for an assistant. He was brought to her home, introduced to her child Bianca, and quickly took to his new life as a witch's assistant.
He occasionally returns to the water, transforming into a half human half shark being with a shark tail, and visits with his friend Nuana.
Aside from being Bianca's current assistant, he also knows where Ceres is, and often assists her. Why doesn't he just tell Bianca where Ceres is? Well, everyone has their own reasons for what they do.

Art of Simon


Skyanna is a 22 year old who works at a makeup store. She spends most of her time with her younger sisters or texting her best friend. She's normally a very kind and loving person, but when it comes to the man she hates the most she becomes cold and rude.
She was supposed to become a model, before she decided that world just wasn't for her.
Having been raised in lower class, with very little to her name, she's come to hate Nick for his upbringing and how he "decided to give everything up". Even with him being kind to her, there's something about the whole situation she just can't look past, despite not having the whole story.

Art of Skyanna


Skyler is a 19 year old college student who has an unfortunate past he just can't let go of. Despite this, he lives as best he can with his older brother Kai. He also has his girlfriend, Eekeem, for support.
When Skyler was very young, he had two brothers. One day, while running around on the second floor of the family home, Skyler accidentally bumped into the third brother and knocked him down the stairs. He broke his neck on the way down, dying immediately. Skyler's family never blamed him for the incident, but he has always blamed himself. To this day, he goes to therapy and often has breakdowns related to it, especially when around staircases.

Art of Skyler


Smith is a 24 year old with very little knowledge other than academics and how to properly handle firearms. Due severe trauma, he has developed issues with communicating and a severe anxiety related to having to talk to others.[???????? ?????? ? ? ? ????]He found himself fighting to survive on the streets. On the verge of death and almost having given up hope, Smith was found by a man named Harpur, who took him in, fed him, and asked for his story. After getting through explaining, Harpur offered Smith a place to stay until he got back on his own two feet and an opportunity that benefitted both men.

Art of Smith


Solaris is a 24 year old god of sunlight who specializes in getting sunlight to plants. He enjoys hanging out with his sister Petaleaf and going on dates with his boyfriend Romael.Solaris, is a god who does not follow ""godly rules"". Sure, he does his job (sometimes), but he's mostly spending his time at his boyfriend's shows and hanging out with his boyfriend.

Art of Solaris


Stelle, the second oldest of her sisters, at 21, is the tough one of the group. She has yet to outgrow her rebellious phase, often times arguing with her sisters and starting fights with them. Don't think this means she doesn't like her sisters, though. She loves them more than anything. She just SUCKS at communicating.
Because of her lack of communication skills, she spends a lot of her time around her sisters, 'secretly' listening in on conversations they have together and keeping up with what's going on without directly asking. Her sisters are fully aware of her doing this, and often talk about things the others already know that Stelle may not to make sure she's aware of everything.
Her favorite activities, other than sitting around with her sisters and watching whatever the others put on the tv, are knitting and crocheting.

Art of Stelle


Theodore hates being called Theodore, so everyone calls him Teddy.
Teddy is a 22 year old dog boy who grew up in the same orphanage as Elijah. He was a very emotional child, but didn't have the slightest idea on how to cope with his emotions, and they always came out as anger. Because of this, he was never adopted, and lived in the orphanage until he was 18, similar to Elijah.
Despite his anger, Teddy did have Elijah as a friend. Elijah, being considered a problem child for being hyperactive, and Teddy, being considered a problem child for being overly emotional, developed a special bond. The two accepted each other for who they were and stuck together until Teddy left the orphanage.

Art of Theodore


Valerie, also called Val, is a character I am currently rewriting, therefore she has no lore to share at the moment.

Art of Valerie


Victor, 25, is a gamer through and through. Streaming games, making videos on them, gaming in his free time. It's the majority of what he does. Whether it be alone or with friends, it's rare to see him without something he can use to play games on his person.
Known as the number one gaming content creator, he's a very popular personality in online spaces, and has even been known to make videos with celebrities like Callion, or fellow popular internet personalities like Orri.
Despite all this he is an extremely shy person when off camera. While he loves his fans, he always feels bad about meeting them in person as he feels his awkwardness will disappoint them.
Victor is also the one who, albeit accidentally, is the person to publicly expose Callion's relationship with Sebastian. This sparks a major controversy throughout social media as people try to figure out if Callion referring to Sebastian as "babe" during Victor's stream with him actually meant anything.

Art of Victor


Wendie is the manager of Spectrum, primarily working with Callion. She's often tired due to the groups endless energy and chaotic personalities.She doesn't have much for story at the moment. She might in the future, but for now her entire purpose is being the manager and keeping the 5 gremlins of Spectrum on a leash.

Art of Wendie


Xander is a human from another dimension. No, like, really.
Xander, who is 21, spent about 19 years in an alternate dimension. In his dimension, aside from nature, there was not much color. People wore primarily grey and white, had basic eye colors (brown, green, blue, etc.) and were expected to be very calm and collected. Xander, born with an odd eye color for his dimension, was regarded as a warning from the gods that humanity was going to be punished. This is not to mention that he was also an extremely hyper person.
He was greatly mistreated by those around him, and eventually holed himself up in his home. until one day a weird portal opened in his room. Assuming it was a sign for him of some sort, he approached and was sucked in. Waking up, he found himself in an oddly colored room in front of an oddly dressed person. Introducing themself, Ace explained that they had accidentally summoned Xander into their dimension and offered to send him back. Xander, immediately falling in love with the color this dimension had, refused and lived with Ace until he could get himself settled.

Art of Xander


Casey's niece. A sassy teen who gets a too much enjoyment out of bullying a 30 year old man. Despite that, she's the first to trust Casey's decisions and believe in him.

Art of Avery


A 30 year old man with generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety, agoraphobia, and PTSD. He has a fear of dying caused by a near death experience as a child, but when everything piles up, something in him breaks.Agreeing to go to the forest to feed the monster there should've been his family's final warning, but instead it was the beginning of his new start.

Art of Casey

The Monster

Called a "monster" for his appearance, and was immediately sealed away in the forest after showing up. What a warm welcome.Generally hides from whoever comes to feed him as to not cause fear/disturbance, but upon being noticed and approached he found himself confused and extremely curious. I mean, it's not every day someone tries to warn the monster itself about the monster.

Art of The Monster


Haven, a 23 year old "villain" in this story, comes from a long line of now rejected heroes.
Previously, Haven's family was the top known heroes, always helping anyone and everyone they can, no matter how big or small the situation. Anyone in the family born without powers was still highly regarded, often becoming someone who helps society in whatever way they can.
Things changed a little before Haven's birth. When a new family took over as top heroes after saving an entire building's worth of people from an explosion, having none of them wounded past minor injuries. When the new family took over, the world changed for the worst. A corrupt government took over, making the lives of civilians worse, and raising those with powers up as if they were superior beings. Haven's family wouldn't stand for it, and made the decision to work behind the backs of those in power.
Now, regarded as villains, Haven's family is somehow the number one enemy of the top heroes, Haven being the most hated of the bloodline.

Art of Haven


They're tired.

Art of Valley